
Securely share your files with anyone

Sharing content and information safely and swiftly is the key to success for any business. Decision making, project progress and effective management depend on the business information being accessible to teams, colleagues and even third party partners anytime, anywhere.

The Xendle information management platform goes beyond typical file-sync-share tools by allowing users to distribute information to colleagues and third parties from outside the immediate Xendle network – improving internal, partner and supply chain productivity.

The key to information sharing is to retain control over access. Xendle ensures that the governance and compliance rules for individual users apply to documents as they are shared. This removes the risk of unauthorised access.

  • Share files within the business and with external partners
  • Set task and deadline tags for documents and files
  • Consolidate all your team communication around business content and files into a single platform
  • Establish governance and compliance rules for document sharing
  • Share your workflow among teams to get work done efficiently
  • Boost productivity by enabling team members to collaborate on a single platform